Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our first Thanksgiving in Germany

Well, we have officaially made it through. It was a good day. I called mom a million times at like 1 in the morning for her. My can opener broke and I tried to plug a crock pot into the transformer and blew it. But, other than that, it went great. There are no pictures of Jayden because he wanted to play his games and not take pictures. LOL Hope everyone had a great day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

More pictures of the Tour

Rhein River Tour 11/15/2008

We went on a tour of the Rhein River and to a Wine Tasting at Stefans in St. Goar. We had a blast! The boat ride was 2 1/2 hours then we road the train back to the Winery. We tasted at least 30 different wines and Brandies. He even had a Kinder wine for the kids. Stefans Peach Brandi is #10 in the world and his wines are allowed to represent Germany. His Ice Wine (which is made only when the grapes freeze) is wonderful but very expensive. In the states the bottles go for around $200-$300. ( There has not been any Ice Wine made in 7 years. The grapes have not frozen.) You can get it from him for around 70E. Which is like $120 for us. We had a wonderful time and plan on going back. We got to se a lot of the castles and all the grape vines. It was aliitle cold on te boat, but there coffees and hot chocalates were great.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Water Slide

These are pictures from a birthday party we went to yesterday. An absolutely great time. I want to go and by one now, but will have no use for it in Germany! Enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Now moving to Germany

So we are now going to Ramstein Germany. We have already recieved our medical clearance and are waiting on our actual orders. Jason is gone to a school till the end of August. He comes home on the 24th and our final out of the house is the 29th. So he will be home in time to help me clean. Kids are doing good. I am so glad that school starts on Wednesday! YES!!! It will help that they will be gone during the day so I can get stuff done. Jayde is so excited to go to school! He wants homework like brother! Lol! I will keep everyone updated on us.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mini Bike

This is the mini bike that the boys won yesterday at the Kite Carnival. It was so freaking funny! I only got a few pictures because I almost peed my pants!

Kite Carnival

Yesterday was our annual Kite Carnival. The boys had a blast! And I mean all the boys! They got to play games and ride on a buggy drawn by minature horses. There is a name for them, but I can't remember what they are. LOL! they loved flying the kites and being outside all day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

SO, for Coltons birthday he wanted me to make him a strawberry cake. I had it all made
and the lady across the street comes to tell me that Colton has hurt his knee and we needed to come get him. We all go over to get him and the dogs decided that they needed cake more than we did! It is 6:38 and we have people coming at 7 for cake. I had to run to Wal-Mart and find him a last minute cake! So the top is the original cake and the bottom ones are his new ones. You can tell which one the dogs ate! Gotta love it!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Colton Eating Pickled Pigs Feet!

Colton decided he wanted to try and eat pickled pigs feet. So, we decided to let him. I only got a few pictures, because I was laughing so hard. He almost threw up all over my table. He didn't even chew it or swallow it. Enjoy!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Moving to Japan!

So, we have been very busy! Jason just had his gallbladder taken out on Wednesday. I have been busy with taking care of him and running to all the appointments needed for our clearance. We are moving to Okinawa Japan in June. We are very excited, but have lots of stuuf to het done. We all have to be medically cleared and dentally. Plus going back and forth with the kids for theis appointments. Lots of fun. Trying to go through our house room by room adn figure out what I will need and what I can live without for three years. We are only allowed 3300 pounds to take with us. So we are getting rid of a lot of stuff that has taken us a long time to get. Kinda sucks. Jasons TV is having to go. It wieghs to much to take with us. We are having to get rid of our dogs because they can not go. I have already gottn rid of my van and Jasons truck has to go to storage. You can not take any car made after 1976!!! Go figure. So we will be in Oklahoma the beginning of June and then to Dallas the end of June. We will be flying out of Dallas. So, keep us in your prayers. Love to all!