Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Taking the Kids skating

We took the kids skating on base on Sunday. Let me tell you how sore we were the next day! Jaydens first time to skate. Then he decided that the other kids were wearing inline skates and he needed to try them. He was mad at me because I couldn't show him how and his daddy could!!!

Visit To K-town

We went to K-Town and finally walked around and shopped. Nice and cold. LOL

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Moms in Germany

These statues are in The center of K-Town. They are the soccer players in front of the stadium. So of course, Judy had to have her pictures taken with them. And she went through the flowers in stead of around them. The building behind her is the Polize. ( The police) Third night in Germany and she wants us all to get arrested! It was a great day. We went to Manneheim trying to see the castle and spent all day trying to find the BIGGEST Castle in Germany. We thought we didn't see it, but we found out today that we did. It was the school. Then we treid going to K-Town and walk the Walksplatz and everything was closed. So went to go back to our village by train and missed ours. So we sat there for another hour. Lots of fun and really didn't get to see anything. GO FIGURE!

The Moms in Germany

These pictures are my favorite.
Colton and Judy were seeing who was taller and colton knocked Judy to the ground. Freaking funny crap!!!

More of the Moms

These are of me and my mom and Judy in her hat that I bought her. She says she is now the mom from the Goonies. LOL My mom helping judy out of the tree and JuJu with the boys.

More of the Moms

These are of Judy and mom. We are at the base of the Skytower in Manneheim. And of course Judy kept looking at this tree wondering how to get up to it and if any animals were going to come out of the brush. We were waiting here for Jason to get directions from anyone for the castle here.

More of the Moms

These pictures are of all of us sitting around my house on Friday just relaxing and enjoying each others company and of course the wine and beer.

More of the Moms in Germany

The first two pictures are of the boys. The last ones are of the castle in Frankenstein Germany.

The Moms in Germany

The first pictures are of the Castle in Frankenstein Germany and the church at the bttom of the mountain. The next two are of us in Manneheim Germany at the base of the sky tower that we couldn't figure out how to go up in it. The last one is of mom and Judy with there new favorite things. Judy's is Kinder choclate and moms is the German Beer. Go figure, candy and beer who would of thought!

Friday, January 16, 2009

And more

More pictures of Judies first day!

These are pictures of Judies first day here.

Here are the pictures of Judies first day. The second we walked out of the airport it started to snow. So here you go!